Looks like I'll be making maps for a while. ):
I made Epic Battle Fantasy!
Currently working on Matt's Hidden Cats.
Using Flash for 21 years.
Age 35, Male
Glasgow University
Glasgow, UK
Joined on 6/12/04
looks awesome i can't wait
epic maps yo, keep it up man.
I'ma be super excited when it is finished!!!
COOL! i see a lot of elements which made EBF3 successful. can't wait!
on the 3rd pic, what are those stone thing? they look like they might have something writen on them? is it a puzzle?
keep up the good work!
p.s. what time do you estimate this will be finished? because Xcom: Enemy Unknown is coming out on October 9th and if there 2 awesome games that i have to decide what to play first my head just might explode!
great job man. lookin really great and i know it will exceed the greatness of ebf3. support you all the way !
Dude, you should be selling that game. Really.
D'aww, don't try selling it if you aren't selling it big. Make as much advertising space in game as physically possible, please, you deserve the funds, but you won't get a dime from a lot of people if you try charging. Although I still hold that Nintendo should totally endorse you and lend you some code monkeys. :3
This reminds me of Kolima from Golden Sun. Any conection?
I'm sure This new one will be fantastic since your EBF games comes in high regard...
My only silly question is..
How big is the game going to be?
Talking about the world in it not the size of the game itself.
Bigger than the previous one.
game loooks awesome defienetly gonna be as good as other ebf or better...hmmmm i see special treasure he he he >:3
i know there's a mimic hidden amongst one of those chests.
Easily the best game series on newgrounds, you should consider selling this on steam
I predict many more puzzles...
Puzzles give me headaches.
Therefore; I predict many headaches in the future.
The Other Other God
you should sell some type of games.... NOT this one... cause i wanna play this for free :F but if i had to buy something like this i would...
BUT.. it would have to have a loooott of content and a lot of detail and more work and stuff you dont want to do...
Don't make us pay for awesome like 99% (or so it feels) of people do! :(
Just add a donate button. Something that doesn't feel in the way, but not has to be searched for. (Perhaps in the credits page? And another medal for looking at the credits page?)
i know you do the best no mater what
hellow from uruguay
Yeah looks like it but if your making it bigger it'll be worth the wait. XD (Really do hope you use Dargo man).
so much details
i cant wait for EBF4, by the looks of it you seem to be doing fine with the maps