I made Epic Battle Fantasy!
Currently working on Matt's Hidden Cats.
Using Flash for 21 years.

Matt Roszak @matt-likes-swords

Age 35, Male


Glasgow University

Glasgow, UK

Joined on 6/12/04

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Happy 2012!?

Posted by matt-likes-swords - January 2nd, 2012

Well Adventure Story has been out for a few days now and it's doing reasonably well.
Go check it out if you haven't yet.

Kinda submitted it at a bad time; a lot of good games came out on the same week, but hopefully that won't matter much except for losing a few competitions.

Anyway, back to working on EBF4... oh wait, I still have to write a 100-ish page dissertation on Adventure Story, oops.

So much for having any sort of holiday...

Happy 2012!?


Love what you did with the series, I want to know how the { I don't know her name}nature girl ended up joining the group :P

Happy 2012 Man

Is it possible to add a talent tree for each hero ?

Sorry I overlooked Adventure Story in my post about all the great games last week, some people mentioned it in replies and I was like d'Oh!!!

Don't worry about it, I thought it was only sponsored games you featured.

Thanks for working on epic fantasy battle 4. i like the 3 one the best.

while i am shooting myself in the foot for saying this. I declare you stop all work on all projects for the next week and take a holiday break from it all.

*braces for siege from rabid EBF4 fans*

Gotta do school work though.

I think i\the nature girl's name is Anna, isn't it?

and i did a typo :\ nothin you can do

Terrific job on adventure story. Love the chibi style of the chara DAMN IT! Sorry. Im trying out this new spech type thing while playing SKYRIM. Later man. Looking forward to 2012.

Hey Matt what exactly are those enemies called?
Happy New Year

hey dude i think all you need is a cold beer and a trip to the bahamas with some binki models

awesome when will ebf4 come out

i cant remember, who were the people won the foe compettition # 2?
Are the test animatics you made awhile back on DA the only creatures that won?

All of the winners have already been posted on DA, yes.

*Drools over soon to come carnage*

Questionnaire time:

1: How did you and HalcyonicFalconX meet?
2: Will you recycle several songs from Epic Battle Fantasy's 2 and 3, as well as Bullet heaven and Adventure story? Or will it be 100% original?
3: Is lance an enemy now/again? Just asking.
4: Will you pull a Metroid and have us once again lose everything at the start?
5: Will the game be open worlded again? If so, will it be world 1 to 2 to 3, or will there be branching paths? If not, what will it be?
6: When is Zombie Goku coming back?
7: Will there be in depth character customization, or only in depth skill/armor customization?
8: Will there ever be a Difficulty 'ABOVE' epic, where it is so hard, even you have trouble with it?

2.maybe a few

I'll ask you about your release plans when my next game is ready so we don't have to compete in the Kongtest, lol. Unless you want to duke it out again. :P

Congrats on releasing that beast, btw. Would I be a horrible copycat if I made a RPG Platformer now?

I think what we really need to worry about is tower defense games.

omgomgomg! i cant wait for EBF 4!!
im pretty sure i will LOVE IT!

Didnt you say you would finish EPF4 first?

i finished adventure story on easy with all chests and coins and bonus levels

by the way im catcat555 as joanne49

When's the dissertation due? You told us you had to write it over four months ago; that seems like an awful long time to have to do it (though I suppose it makes since, considering all the other classes you take).

Anyways, what the hell are you going to write on that 100-page dissertation!? There's no literature, official documents, or any other form of credible media that could explain the importance of a pointless Flash game.

I hate to say it, but I think you're screwed, man. :(

I've got most of the year to do it.

I've got 58 pages so far! I've referenced a few books on game design in general.

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