Only 2 more weeks of classes ~!
I made Epic Battle Fantasy!
Currently working on Matt's Hidden Cats.
Using Flash for 21 years.
Age 35, Male
Glasgow University
Glasgow, UK
Joined on 6/12/04
Alright, Shits gona get good when we start!
they all look wonderfully blotch colored.
Poison blobs looks like it's about to eat Nature blob.
i like the herpes one on the bottom right. I've fallen in love with girls like that. They are dangerous
HOT DAMN!!!!! Those graphics have more detail than black ops!
These look AWESOME!
When is your next Game Coming out?
Does this mean after those 2 weeks of classes its time for grinding on EBF4?
Ice blob ftw.
You can even make art with your puke!
These are cool, but these aren't replacing the slimes, right? As sweet as that Death Blob is, it can't replace those little slimes.
For a sec i thought you said boobs. XD
Awsome! I can't wait for EBF4. The death blob looks cool!
Doesn't seem like EBF4 is too far off then.
cool another sweet thing to shoot
this reminds me of the eevee evolutions. and what about a rock type?and u plannin to have hybrid ones? (mixed)
beards FTW
Aww they're adorable! I love the death blob!So cute.
This should be the upgrade to slime!
I'm just happy that there will be a 4th game. don't really care how long it takes
Idea here im not sure if its that good but, What if each of the Main Characters had little monsters as pets, Natalie has that Eyeball thing (for a classic EBF joke), Matt has the Fire/Ice Golem or Slimes, and Lance has Robots, and each monster can be upgraded into a new type so that you can experement (insert Natalie and Eyeball creature joke here) in the game
ur epic skilled. nice!!
First comment.
They look epic, are like related to slim in anyway?