After 6718 deaths, I've gotten 100% completion on Super Meat Boy!
u jelly?
I made Epic Battle Fantasy!
Currently working on Matt's Hidden Cats.
Using Flash for 21 years.
Age 35, Male
Glasgow University
Glasgow, UK
Joined on 6/12/04
Posted by matt-likes-swords - November 16th, 2010
After 6718 deaths, I've gotten 100% completion on Super Meat Boy!
u jelly?
100%? -Mother fucker.
Anyway, how is the game? I played the xbox demo and I was blown away; Holding my money out for the pc version, though.
It's worth getting just for the music.
The rest is pretty good too.
naaaa i want that game. i just don't have Xbox.
so i have to wait for the pc version...
yea i'm so jelly bro
NOOOOOO i got 6719!! >.<
Those staves look smexy.
im not jelly im potato
jelly. i'm on about 2000 deaths with only 30%
Jelly of the staffs, maybe.
^---yeah slap a jellyfish on a stick then call it staff then we'll be.
no im a cupcake.
Hmm i always pictured you as being vegetarian
Well done. i beat it 100%
deaths: 6457
Dem staves
you should post more weapon collections. I could even name them for you.
How the hell did you beat skyscraper?
That was actually one of the last ones I did.
nice job i remember when i completed bragging rights and the guy for my 100% but its worth it for that secret character
Damn, you're like the ultamite gamer with 100% completions and all those NG Medals! -_-"
How am I supposed to pass you if you keep getting more medals?! :D
The four staves on the right look amazing, but the gray one on the left could use some work, imo.
atb this time?
Bahahahaha,6718 deaths!