Finished all 5 minigames, here's one of em: Minigame 1
Lots of recycling going on there.
The full game might be ready for testing in a week.
But maybe not.
I made Epic Battle Fantasy!
Currently working on Matt's Hidden Cats.
Using Flash for 21 years.
Age 35, Male
Glasgow University
Glasgow, UK
Joined on 6/12/04
Posted by matt-likes-swords - July 23rd, 2010
Finished all 5 minigames, here's one of em: Minigame 1
Lots of recycling going on there.
The full game might be ready for testing in a week.
But maybe not.
the eating animation for nolegs is awesome
although it is somewhat fresh I do feel repetitive-ness of the previous minigames from EBF II
I suggest you put a 2 player competitive (or not) minigame mode so you can have 2 nolegs jumping around going NOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOM
great work and effort man can't wait for full beta :D
Ultra mode is so awesome.
I scored 1525 Ultra, 158 normal.
you should at least put ultra mode in later in the game
damn this should be sold on xbox its so much good graphics it deserves a console
it's a furry version of kirby, oh my goodness, no cat should nom food like this
quite entertaining (only 134... oh well)
looks like i shuld teach my cat that so i can a hav a trash can every where i go :3
Its great, but the only thing is I think you added too much foliage in the foreground.
Will i be able to test EBF3?
P.S. Your ready for some Golden Sun Dark Dawn?
Kitty krew + this + penis = their heaven. They would fap to this 24/7!
An alright game by testing for next week do you mean beta testers,You testing it for glitches or it coming out.The mini game I had no idea what to do but it was a hell of fun.My score was 133.If we do get to beta test is it mostly everyone or only a selected few.Cause if so do you think I would be able to beta test it.Never beta tested things before but it seems fun
The bushes and rocks in the foreground can get really annoying at times and the hit area of the collectibles seems to be really small, so often you don't collect a thing although it you SO touched it.
did a bakery just blow up or something
Is it wrong that I kept screaming "OMNOMNOMNOMNOM" throughout the entirty of this game?
My parents seem to think so...
lol ! i'd love to see and play the games
You can add trash, so if you 'eat the trash' you lose points :X
Oh, 119 in first time /รต/
Sorry if I made some kind of grammatical error :X
Great! Now im hungry!
waiting for beta testin p.s. NOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOM
Hopefully the beta testing is open for everyone.
Nomnomnomnomnom cat what could be better