The enemies and players' attacks certainly seem to be faster here than in EBF4. Keep up the good work.
I made Epic Battle Fantasy!
Currently working on Matt's Hidden Cats.
Using Flash for 21 years.
Age 35, Male
Glasgow University
Glasgow, UK
Joined on 6/12/04
The enemies and players' attacks certainly seem to be faster here than in EBF4. Keep up the good work.
This looks extremely cool!
nice cant wait to play it on steam :D
I played every ebf this one i will play too thanks for the good times :)
Get hyp
those effects are badass, this looks so slick
The grea matt against make hype :3
Yes! Yes! Yeeeesss!
Looks downright amazing. The spell-icons look really cool and I'm really looking forward to learning how the new skills (especially on NoLegs now) and status effects work. Also each additional part adding 1 new member to the group was an ingenious move, I kinda figured EBF 5 would add NoLegs to the team tho, i mean NoLegs might not be new to the team but he kinda deserved his own spot on the battlefield after all this time :D
Of all the upcoming i've hardly ever looked forward to any games at all, despite high budget and great graphics or whatever, but both 4th and now the 5th part of EBF easily managed the hype, so yeah, definately a good job on that one! I suppose many cooks do ruin the stew, i often prefer one man army programmed games, but yours are alwaysrunning on first place.
I couldn't really manage with the switching system in EBF 4 though, always ended up never using anna at all, the other 3 did perfectly fine. But this time it looks like it pays off to use all of them, which also is really nice. I hope it does. Anyway awesome job, really looking forward to it.
Keep up the nice work, and have a lot of fun with production!
There's more incentives to switch party members this time round. So that should work better than before.
cool as ever
I really need to get back into this and harder than before so I can beat Expert levels.
F***ing Zombie Goku...
Epic is impossible to beat, just pointing that one out.