from one matt to another i can kinda see where ur coming form
i had a rough year too and it kinda sucked
but i learned alot through the thick and thin off things
and in the end you just gotta do what you think is right
so dont think of this like u EPICLY FAILED
instead think I EPICLY LEARNED
I'm a bit disturbed that EBF4 has had a negative effect with you. I honestly am surprised. I would normally hope that this sadness your feeling is a passing thing. Some of the best people of the Flash community leave for many reasons, but rarely do they leave over the reason of not making much money. Normally, the coin in your pocket is a plus for doing something you love for people who care. That said, I recently found EBF4 on Steam Greenlight and voted to have it included in the games purchasable. I noticed that with all the votes, its actually going to make it on the store list soon, after all this time after it has been on Kongregate. This might seem sad since it takes a long time for some things to kick off, but when you turn anything into a business, you need to think of your time as an investment. Anyways, I can't wait for the next game, and I can't wait to purchase EBF4 on steam when its available, I can't believe the massive amounts of votes its finally gotten. I hope the next game has more success. It almost certainly will.