Sounds like you've got some awesome ideas for improvement upon this already awesome game. I'll see what I can do to help this get promoted.
I made Epic Battle Fantasy!
Currently working on Matt's Hidden Cats.
Using Flash for 21 years.
Age 35, Male
Glasgow University
Glasgow, UK
Joined on 6/12/04
Sounds like you've got some awesome ideas for improvement upon this already awesome game. I'll see what I can do to help this get promoted.
Wow I want to make more steam accounts just to greenlight this. I am so excited!
It's not that easy to cheat... You'd have to buy something with each of those accounts first. :P
epic battle fantasy 4 is coming :)
been a fan since one man happy to say im a fan!
How many votes do you need to get it greenlit?
Also who narrated the trailer for EBF4?
And also it let me vote on it. And I haven't bought anything on Steam I only have a copy of The Binding Of Issac that I got for free from Deathink for like....a Christmas present.
Probably around 40k+ votes.
TomaMoto did the narration.
Its great you got Joshua Tomar to the intro it fits really well.
I love the way you make your RPG's. I wish you luck on the Greenlight I threw my vote at you first chance I got.
Blackmorn on devart: Well good luck on getting greenlit premium content in a free game is silly. glad it might get on steam GL.
you really deserve money,like nuff to half year of beer and stuff i dunno good luck with that
Was he...raping a pig?
Cool trailer! but shouldn't that be out before the game and why don't you create video games as well and these free games you are creating and giving are just fantastic.
<3 this trailer is awsome :D
u kind of kill it with the voice added to it but i would still get it if it ever got release
Aha! I knew this would happen!
I always thought you had the potential to make games for retail. All of that effort and you're getting paid for them. XP
Well holy hawt dayum. I said it on steam greenlight, and I'll say it again. The EBF series feels complete, where as the most modern RPGs (I'm looking at you, FF) just... Miss something. Even the better RPGs like Golden Sun Dark Dawn can't stand up to this. Great job Matt, yuo deserve the money you'll get. Great trailer as well.
Well that's brilliant, ill be sure to keep an eye on it, I have already voted it up, and hope to see it get more votes up, as for the idiot below me, well hes a crap troll :/, but meh, hope it gets greenlit :)
So how is the progress on the votes? I assume they are rather high? :D
Nice intro mate!
When do you think this will arrive to steam?
THIS IS FREAKING AWESOME! I love the trailer. Makes me want to play even more!
This looks amazing :o