I have no actual suggestion but I gotta say I'm in love with that image you posted. I hope you can find what you're looking for.
I made Epic Battle Fantasy!
Currently working on Matt's Hidden Cats.
Using Flash for 21 years.
Age 35, Male
Glasgow University
Glasgow, UK
Joined on 6/12/04
I have no actual suggestion but I gotta say I'm in love with that image you posted. I hope you can find what you're looking for.
I'm heard bad things about playtomic, but I've haven't used it myself yet.
Well I've already found my first problem with it; it doesn't work if I target Flash player 9, which is what I've been doing temporarily to speed up compilation.
Don't know about API, but I found someone I think you would like:
<a href="http://shadowwhowalks.newgrounds.com">http://shadowwhowalks.newgrounds.com</a>
if all else fails uppercut your computer and see what happens
i did it once and my computer was running faster than ever
Omg matt you know those are the 4 elments 0.0 Fire Water Earth Wind
Hey the ng API does that!
Does it work everywhere though, or just on NG?
oh that's cool. you gave every character their own pet.
oh dam, my bad for the message.
Four elements, ERMERGERD! *rolls eyes*
I have a serious question. it may have been answered... but i never specifically Read EVERYTHING... so please... sorry. ik how heated the Community gets about answered questions. What are the battles going to be like... are you using all 4 all the time, can you chose 2 then once dead, 2 come in, Or 3 and the first person dead gets replaced or you can choose when to switch out ppl, Or Rearrange ppl so like 2in front, 2 in the back... Forcing the front 2 to get hit first unless its a long range attack. idk i'm just throwing out stuff hoping something happens lol
How many more time will we have to wait Matt?): Do you think you will upload EBF4 to Newgrounds this month?):
The site you're asking on. NEWGROUNDS, has that feature in its API. But of course that's probably too good for someone who want$ lot$ of $$$.
Yes, the NG API event tracking works on all sites everywhere!
As for making money, you don't have to use the NG ad unit to use their custom event tracking (you just install their API connector and use their code calls to track events), though I'm sure that would be nice since they're giving you the tools for free.
That's pretty cool then.
I can't really use their ads since I'm sponsored by Kongregate, but I will make sure to take advantage of some of the features (medals and cloud saving) for the NG version of the game.
I hope that your project becomes better than any EBF game, and it would be awesome to have special events. A multiplayer is deffinetly not required but it would be cool, though not needed. And I've realise that the wait has gone faster than anticipaited, so it would be OK for me if you were to wait abit for other things. Good luck
matt i would give up on kong its possibly the worst site to get sponsered by as they will begin making you add shit exclusive to that site thus ruining the game
I can't tell if you're trying to piss me off on purpose or not, but you manage to post an annoying comment almost every week.
I've heard good things about Playtomic, but I've used it myself
you have the best game
Very appreciative that you are taking the time to see where the problems may arise when players play.
My patience is as vast as an ocean. Take your time and ignore the rushers. The longer you work on fixing problems and increasing the epicocity, the better the result. The perfect example is Zelda Twilight Princess! The longer we waited for THAT, the more AMAZING the game got, and look at the result?!
Keep up the epic work, dood.
I've heard good things about playtomic, but I've haven't used it myself yet.
Oh yeah, I've looked at this one before but forgot the name.