I made Epic Battle Fantasy!
Currently working on Matt's Hidden Cats.
Using Flash for 21 years.

Matt Roszak @matt-likes-swords

Age 35, Male


Glasgow University

Glasgow, UK

Joined on 6/12/04

Exp Points:
25,070 / 25,580
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8.89 votes
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12y 5m 4d


Not in 2012?! that's bad news...

Was hoping for 2012 winter release T^T Oh well, it's worht the wait =w= some people look familiar like the kung fu guy and red haired surfdude. that woman reminds me of the goddess in EBF1. I see knight, red haired chick in first row, green dressed girl. They all look familiar =x

Not sure I like the icons for some of the menu options. I still don't get the animal (if its a rat or a pup or what) for Summons. A clock = stats? And then paper = stats on the bottom? Encyclopedia shud be the icon for items, not a potion bottle. Medals shud actually be medals but I'm okay with the star. Leaf monster is fine for Bestiary, otherwise slime would do nicely. Or a nolegs kitty. Don't get egg = quests but I'll have to deal with it.

I guess I'll change stats to records.

Square Enix needs to cut you a fucking check.

Oh. I'm not that surprised about this. Anyway, good luck with this. Hey I, just gotta say this now that I have the chance. Will you do voice acting in it?


It would be awesome with voice acting in it of course but think of all the voices he would have to do.

Lookin good so far.
Kinda disappointed that it wont be done this year, but you can't just rush stuff.

Well if you want to get into the nitty gritty about the designs i don't agree with guy above me. It all looks good, although i think the Equips and Forge icons look a bit too similar. Maybe add a bit of flame to one of them. Either or makes sense to me:) Or perhaps something a bit less distracting when your walking on world map. The summons thing reminds me of pokemon, maybe the sandshrew:) I think nolegs might fit well there if you were really trying to appease people. Please don't change stats to records. Also, i hope quests are alot ahrder to finish this time around, things you have to go above an beyond to complete, maybe even hidden bosses that are open to you early on but you have to be very skilled to beat. The better you are the earlier you can finish an collect the ransom:)

And i msut add this since i don't get many oppertunities to check up on these updates. I lvoed the diffaculty balance of all the games in this series. I especially liked that people were trying to low level it like me. I don't think it was possible to do on epic in EBF3 but hey, that's what makes it epic:) I seen a guy on youtube attempting it and his videos ended before fighting the mammoth. he seemed pretty damned determined too. I shorted it a bit by upgrading armor and stuff and still couldn't manage it, was fun to get past first few worlds though trying. Really made me think about what i was upgrading and such on limited resources. Reminded me of why i started playing rpg's to begin with, pure self created entertainment:) I wish you all the world on your hard work and i hope there is a diffaculty greater then epic, by your standards:) Maybe even give people a challange mode where you can't upgrade weapons an stuff.

I should try that myself sometime...

Take your time we want an epic game (which you always do). Also i suggest that range hero get a damg nerf or increase damg melee does. So that damg is balanced cause in the last one I was using gun user to wipe squads out in the first or second turn(With squad killing attack while sword user had to kill them one at a time). Also will you get rewards for having saves from the last game?

keep up the good work dude, cant wait for the new ebf

Thats amazing. Definitely lots to do! Hmmm a forge? Is there crafting?! :P

Can't wait! just like everyone else who has played any of your games. im pretty sure it will be worth the years of waiting, that is not sarcastic! very looking forward to the release of this game. good layout too!

I had a complete blast playing EBF3. It took me a week to beat the epic mode, but wow was it a fun week. I really enjoyed how the game play felt. I would pay for this as an app, so get to work on one so you can make some cash!!! I want to see more EBF and I think you have polished the series enough to start looking for some financial backing to take the series to the Wii or other systems. Shorter games are becoming the new cool and your series could make the big boys like Square and Bethesda give you a few phone calls. The work you have done is too high quality for free to play, get out there and retire on this series!!!!

Someone mentioned Greenlight and you, more or less, confirmed it.

Does this mean that EBF4 is indefinitely not going to be free?

Well there's gonna be a free version too.

I hope EBF4 comes out soon.It looks good already so just keep up what your doing.

I'm certainly willing to wait for quality like this.
Summons? That's fucking awesome.

oh man,i would buy this if it wouldnt be free *w*

but man what if 2012 DOES come true! then you wont have anything kick ass new and epic for the year!

So from readin other comments i have this one quetion will this be bought through steam or newgrounds?


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