tainting le EBF with le reddit XDD
I made Epic Battle Fantasy!
Currently working on Matt's Hidden Cats.
Using Flash for 21 years.
Age 35, Male
Glasgow University
Glasgow, UK
Joined on 6/12/04
tainting le EBF with le reddit XDD
I think this EBF will be more epic than any other game I've played! LOL
So these NPc's will give us more questes to complete right? but this time thet's ask us to slay some special monsters too. right?
Probably less quests than before, but slightly more interesting ones.
Holy shit, the EBF series is starting to become more complex than huge console RPGs. :P
I'm going to lose so much sleep because of you. haha.
Seems awesome and it will be interesting with more dialogue. Will you still be able to be with a partner/ partners in fights or will it be like Adventure Story?
have you ever considered making console game?
this looks amazing! though some questions still remain, will I be able to download it? will there be a multiplayer mode? could we possibly have a battle/scene editor where we can use characters and monsters we've encountered?
I thought about it, but probably not.
Wow! It will be also a multilingual game. Does it means that some spanish speakers, portuguese speakers, german speakers and french speakers are going to play the game too?
I always wanted to play EBF in spanish... Thank you, Matt, thank you...
I speak Spanish :(
But I wouldn't trust myself as a translator. Still, if you need someone to have a look at it....
Do you need some help with french? I'd be glad to help you, as i'm a french myself. :)
I speak french, as it is my primary language. I would gladly help if requested.
What about Italian translation? I could help with that, since I'm from Italy...
Hi Matt!
I'm a native german speaker and my english (if I may say so) is quite well. (ok ok enough with the ranting) I've been studying in UK for almost a year, so I guess i could help you out if you need a helping hand with translating something to german!
send me a pm if you have any interest ;)
great job. nice touch by adding more languages for others who do not know english too well. as always keep up the great work!
7 proxies...
you sly bastard.
if you need any help with portuguese just give me a call
maybe a map maker thing
Nice EBF4 in other Languages than English. Its a really nice idea. Good luck with that.
I seriously can't wait till EBF4 is done :3