Is that a flare gun that lance (if that's his name) is dropping in the first pic? Sweet deals! I dig flare guns; a flaming phosphorus soup-can to the face is a flawless negotiation technique.
I made Epic Battle Fantasy!
Currently working on Matt's Hidden Cats.
Using Flash for 21 years.
Age 35, Male
Glasgow University
Glasgow, UK
Joined on 6/12/04
Is that a flare gun that lance (if that's his name) is dropping in the first pic? Sweet deals! I dig flare guns; a flaming phosphorus soup-can to the face is a flawless negotiation technique.
that is awesome! i was testing your games mechanics on deviantart, is there a scan all skill? if there is, I couldn't find it. also will the new character be appearing on any other games, like bullet heaven?
Yes and yes.
wow, nice! looking for EBF4 soon.
I can't wait to fight the creatures we made for the competition; im soo rarrin to plow through them.
also,much love for the fuzzy felt cut out style by the way, very nice switch up from previous.
it gives a much needed revamp, plus it works well with the comedic adventure style.
patience is definitely worth it.
i assumed the old style was easier. why the change?
One word to describe this style.... EPIC!!!! :D
.......niiiice. was always a fan of your art
that is awsome
I have always been your fan art and games ^-^
WAIT if these are the cutscenes for EBF4 and when you notice you see that the upper cutscene has a silhouette that slightly looks like the main antagonist from EBF3, does that mean he returns? or maybe an evil twin brother?
D: now im even more curious to the game
btw when you say " EBF4's cutscenes... " does that mean that this is the actual style for the cutscenes or just artwork ( based on cutscenes )
man so many questions...
HAHAHAHAHAHA Super Mario Galaxy reference! XD
It's that Style they used in the Zelda: Phantom Hourglass Intro, right? ^^
y u so epic matt?
I'm guessing something along the lines of a paper filter for the cutscenes?
Matt you have any estimate of when the game coming out?
Wow, I actually think t fits this game style better than in Phantom Hourglass.
Wow, that looks great! I loved the past 3 games, and these new cutscenes look gorgeous.
Even though they were stolen, they still look good.keep up the good work Plz!!!!
Awesome. Also are those little tree guys also a reference to the WW's Deku Tree? still looks very nice. I also see that our very own little "nazi" is back =3
Kind of. They're mostly based on the wooden guys in Mario Galaxy though.