When not battling, is God cat fondly regarding creation?
I made Epic Battle Fantasy!
Currently working on Matt's Hidden Cats.
Using Flash for 21 years.
Age 35, Male
Glasgow University
Glasgow, UK
Joined on 6/12/04
When not battling, is God cat fondly regarding creation?
hmm i liked what you did with them
i for one preferred the eviler looking one
but thats just me
i cant wait til this gets released :D
its gonna be awesome
hey matt will their be some water spells I found their to be a lack of water based spells in ebf3
I think if EBF3 is one of best flash games on the internet, EBF4 will be BEST GAME EVER!!
Cool, but bro if SOPA does pass youll need to hide EBF because you could get very hard.
far out but i like the evil ones better maybes that's just me
two god cats? is it one of those games where you have a choise between good or evil?
I love how far the series has gone so far and seemingly keep getting better and better. Although I'm honestly a bit terrified of thinking how difficult the Godcats are going to be in comparison to the previous "final bosses". The graphics seemingly improved a bit as well. Great job and excellent choice in music. Can you sample some of the music going to be used in the next game by any chance?
Anyone else get the feeling that Akron on Epic is going to be easier than Godcat on Normal?
I just get that feeling of "We're screwed before we even start and don't even know it until after we're defeated on the second round"....
Cool boss and it's even more awesome because it's like the boss from bullet heaven or it is, i don't know
Your Games are the Titts!
You are the Hero, ma Boi!
Am I the only one that think the light Godcat is cooler than the evil one?
any mmorpg that you recomend me whilei wait for ebf4?
isnt this..i dunno...
a little bit Spoiler animations of EBF4?