Who won what in the tank awards this year?
I made Epic Battle Fantasy!
Currently working on Matt's Hidden Cats.
Using Flash for 21 years.
Age 35, Male
Glasgow University
Glasgow, UK
Joined on 6/12/04
Who won what in the tank awards this year?
Depict got GOTY.
Oh wow
I think if you wanted to be a finalist you needed to be registered at Tigsource...
Yeah, I was disappointed as well.
YOU SHOULDVE WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's a shame that Final Fantasy didn't get a tank award.
I think it sucks that you didn't even get mentioned. I was also dissapointed. BY EVERYTHING. Also Bahamut won user of the year.
Pretty sweet halberds, really digging the last one with the red shaft. Great job on the metallic shine.
I think he wanted to give someone else a chance.
But it might help to have your stuff be Newgrounds exclusive for a tank award.
Cant wait,maybe next time you can rig it
Meh. Only really liked the first EBF.
I agree, while Pigpen was obvious Epic Battle Fantasy 3 should have won.
that sucked u should had deserved that tank :( really
^^What TheFlyingChinchilla said, the second part^^
They are totally biased against people who release their work on other sites as well. I mean, you at least deserved to be a finalist! EB3 is currently the third best scoring flash on newgrounds of all time! I know those rankings fluctuate a lot, especially when it comes to things that have come out recently, but EB3 has been out for a long time. They didn't even put it at the top of the page when it came out, although I believe that was when Alice is Dead 3 and Gretel and Hansel 2 came out, yours was still better and deserved at least some time at the top.
Pretty sure Depict is sponsored by a different site.
Lol, srsly?
I was more surprised that redder made top 5 that was one of the most "blah" games I've ever played.
Redder was amazing.
Despict as GOTY was fine, but I fucking don't get that EBF3 DIDNT EVEN GOT MENTIONED to be honest... you noticed that right...
Hey,Dude, tell me at least you know that Gundam ;____;
matt have you ever seen the anime buso renkin the spear on the far right reminds me of sunlight heart its a lance weapon in the show when it was upgraded it was a two ended lance if u aint seen it u should google image it. man EBF 3 was amazing i was actually able to beat it and enjoy it opposed to the other 2 i enjoyed those really much and beat them as well but i mean i struggled to beat them because im like OMG 1 HP left heal!!! but EBF 3 was more strategic and i loved it good luck on the programming for EBF 4 man
stop it with the FUCKING SWORDS