LIES! La-Mulana is the best freeware game ever.
Anyways, it always good to see map system with treasure strewn EVERYWHERE.
Unless those chests are a lie, in which case you are incredibly mean.
I made Epic Battle Fantasy!
Currently working on Matt's Hidden Cats.
Using Flash for 21 years.
Age 35, Male
Glasgow University
Glasgow, UK
Joined on 6/12/04
LIES! La-Mulana is the best freeware game ever.
Anyways, it always good to see map system with treasure strewn EVERYWHERE.
Unless those chests are a lie, in which case you are incredibly mean.
Okay, I'll check it out.
Britain isn't going to be able to ban illegal down-loaders...
You wouldn't steal a car!
You wouldn't steal a bar!
You wouldn't steal your mother!
You wouldn't steal the United States of India!
You wouldn't steal drugs!
You wouldn't steal someone!
You wouldn't steal Flash!
You wouldn't steal Adobe!
You wouldn't steal treasures!
You wouldn't steal a law!
You wouldn't steal a politician!
You wouldn't steal a newspost!
You wouldn't steal everything!
You wouldn't steal nothing!
you gotta admit that you would download them if you could ;)
Canada s now checking people's MP3 players everytime someone leaves or enters the country. The check the MP3 players for illegal content.
What I question is how they are going to see if something on an iPod is illegal.
When you put any old mp3 on an iPod it looks exactly like an mp3 bought off iTunes.
What they should really do is ban illegal uploaders from the internet, then there will be nothing for people to illegally download.
I concur.
How far have you gotten on CaveStory? I've gotten all the endings, and beat Hell 4 times.
I beat Hell in 5:14!
WHO thought this was a good idea?
not only would you have to screen EVERY SIGNLE FILE that passes in adn out of Britan BUT, would also have to check all servers within the country/area/whatever routinely.
Also, mobile internet sticks could be used to create a link to other servers bypassing ANY ladnline firewall.
yeah man, cave story's been consuming my time too :P
I have freeware Cave Story.
I want WiiWare Cave Story.
Same, but ma brother hogs the Wii.
Beat hell yet?
Ah, Cave Story. Jellyfish juice was the one thing that bothered me. It puts out fires, yet is used with coal to make an explosive? And let's not forget the fact it can be used to get the lipstick...
Also, what weapons did you beat the Sacred grounds with?
Machine gun first playthrough, Spur in second.
Checked Cave Story out. MACHINE GUN JET PACK FTW!
guys u do realise its comin to the us to right?....
Hmm, I never beat the last boss on that...
i have a few Q's:
1.Does this mean we are gonna walk on a field?
2.Are you looking forward to any of the following: Metroid other M, Golden Sun DS, The Last Story, Mario Galaxy 2?
3.Since you like Covus Corax, do you like any of their side projects: Tnazwut, Cantus Buranus, K.D.A.?
1. derp
2. no, very much, no, yes
3. did not know they were related to tanzwut, I like both
Cave stpry really is the definitive rps. took me like a billion years to find all the "hidden" stuff.
Looks fun!
Are you gonna release it as a game or is this just for show?
ACTA, or some other bill?
Digital Economy Bill
It hasn't been enforced in America.
It hasn't been enforced in England.
So it probably won't be enforced anywhere else.