I made Epic Battle Fantasy!
Currently working on Matt's Hidden Cats.
Using Flash for 21 years.
Age 35, Male
Glasgow University
Glasgow, UK
Joined on 6/12/04
It's a good thing the pictures not related, I cant imagine kittens wielding those.
Kickass weapons dude.
kick ass scythes!
Loved your last game.
Why not make the kittens Barbarians? i mean there have been plenty of ninja, pirate, sexualy bicurious kittens, but you never see barbarian kittens going around with battleaxes saving virgins.
get to it.
Those are some pretty nice scythes if you ask me.
But they're not really related.... That angers me and I completely disagree with Thoray24.
I mean holy shit kittens with scythes. That's pretty awesome if you ask me.
Well who knows, I might give them smaller weapons :P
hurray for kittens!
wow great swords!!
Kitties are cool!
I suck at maths too :(
Nice art btw ;)
The weapons make no sense therefore they are cool
Gotta say man, I really love your drawing/animation style!
Wow Nice weapons :) And I'll be looking foward for the game
Nice scythes, and I cant wait for the game. If you put them in maby a grim reaper kitten? >=3
After the kitten game, please make another mecha game, it was awesome!
Possibly will someday.
Cool game :) so many beheaded kittens so little time XD Yeah... i should speed up with flash... i'm so slow that it will take WAY over just a month for my 2nd animation >.< bummer.
Damn your a good artist,
omg these weapons are fucking kool x3