How can Israel make peace with an organisation that is determined to destroy it?
There must be better methods of fighting Hamas though…
I made Epic Battle Fantasy!
Currently working on Matt's Hidden Cats.
Using Flash for 21 years.
Age 35, Male
Glasgow University
Glasgow, UK
Joined on 6/12/04
How can Israel make peace with an organisation that is determined to destroy it?
There must be better methods of fighting Hamas though…
Weird to focus on the potential harm Hamas could do in some alternate universe where they are the greater power, instead of focusing on what's actually happening today.
Through all of this, the Israeli narrative of their actions in Gaza does seem to be on increasingly shaky ground, seeing how the IDF just shot dead three of their own civilian hostages. I can only hope that the edifice which justifies their bombing, blockade and occupation of Palestinians finally crumbles to dust, but that's probably too much to ask for.
That said, more and more people outside Israel and Palestine being made aware of these destructive, horrific events is always a welcome thing. If only western governments (and lightweight Labour leaders) listened to their citizens.
Yeah, there must have been overwhelming evidence for them to admit shooting the hostages. Imagine how much more isn't documented. :(
Epic Battle Fantasy is pretty cool, hope all is well Matt
We're really sinking into 1900-2000s proxy wars/cold war, where the fear of the next World War will land upon us.
idk what else say, just thank you for speaking up about this.
Hamas does a lot of harm in this universe, to Palestinians as well as Israelis.
So, HAMAS brutally attacked and kidnapped civilians and now is hiding literally under women skirts (with all the tunnels) and place there military equipment in civilian structures. Now who's at fault for the death toll climbing? If HAMAS wanted to prevent deaths, they shouldn't have began murdering people that had nothing to do with the conflict at all.
Also, you do realize that in Palestine under HAMAS control most of your creativity will be considered a sin enough to earn you a death penalty, do you?
Flattening a city is not a justifiable response to a terrorist attack, and the conflict didn't start with that attack either. There's been 75 years of oppression before this.
Many countries don't agree with my values either - doesn't mean I want everyone there to die. What a retarded thing to say.
I would gladly support all the ceasefire demands if it was "cease fire and all the HAMAS members are to give themselves in". But "cease the fire so HAMAS could continue their terrorist activity" - no, thank you. HAMAS claims they fight oppression and protects people, but they only fight helpless civilians and when they face an army, they hide behind women and children.
Also, this conflict story is far longer than 75 years. Unfortunately, humanity couldn't reach peace even after all the centuries of their history.
One more thing - I never said I want someone to die. I really want humanity to finally reach peace. But there are some people and organization who seek destruction and they can only be stopped with strength
Okay, fair enough.
But Israel has done 20x more harm than Hamas in the last few months and is still continuing. Israel's oppressive policies cause people to join Hamas. The military approach doesn't do anything to eliminate terrorism. It didn't work in Iraq or Afghanistan, it's not going to work here. It's just an obvious land grab and genocide.
Only one solution:
Tell me how you really feel.
Unfortunately, the "peaceful" approach that was used before did not work too. It only led to more firepower stored. That's why it's hard to believe in it now. I want to, but sorry, I can't. Making a pause just for both sides to regain their strength and go for another, more devastating round?
I do not condone war crimes in any way. But once again, I can only agree with "stop the fire" if it's followed with "and bring all the terrorists behind the bars for good". Otherwise it will be just an excuse to continue the nightmare.
The only positive outcomes so far were the hostage exchanges during the 7 day ceasefire.
It's weird that you only focus on terrorism committed by the occupied side, and not the much more massive amounts of terrorism carried out by the occupier.
I wish war remained in history, media and games. Plus, it's the rule to NOT kill medics, which is another thing that bothers me...
I hate this stuff. Remain positive, Matt. All wars end eventually. Hope you're doing fine.
My history teacher said once that history is cyclic, and that's why we should learn about past to not mess up our future.
I do not agree with your political position, although I will not stop following your art. In general, I believe that any artist - actor, musician, writer or painter should not publicly declare his political position for their own good. The less an artist thinks about all Earthly misfortunes and the more he thinks about his craft, the better humanity becomes altogether, because quality work can change the world, but empty talk can not.
All art is political as it is made by humans with opinions - most of my games show fascists to be the bad guys. Not sure how you missed that.
Also funny that you dismiss my post as empty talk when I clearly mentioned what actions I was taking. Maybe your talk is empty, so I guess that's why you feel that way.
Pretty strange. Izrael can choose to send troops inside Palestinian Territory and eliminating the participants of the terrorist attack but they insted started to carpet bombing/white phosphore bombing and violating every Geneva convention just to get rid of the Palestinian.
This post is antisemitic,right wing,neo natzi and every other curse words, because criticized Izrael and the carnage what they does.
Oh yeah the terrorist mercilessly killed one thousand people so it's okay to kill tens of thousands of man, woman and children and let starving , shelterless hundreds of thousands people in response.
If we start to see things twisted like that,the Holocaust wasn't so bad after all isn't? "It was justified in this perspective"
@matt-likes-swords Are you sure you really want to read a Tyler essay? Because you know i’ll write it lol
Hmm, I don't know if I'll like what I read. Honestly have no idea what to expect, but I am a bit curious.
Seriously, what “Free Palestine” really means is kill and ethnically cleanse Jews, because that is what Palestine would use it’s freedom to do.
But when people say things like “Jews deserve a state” or “Arabs have lots of other Countries to live in” obviously they mean the same thing in reverse, which is what they are doing.
This is what ethnonationalism and blood and soil ideology will always lead to, especially in such a diverse and volatile part of the world, I wish people could recognise it for what it is.
Frankly the sight of either flag disgusts me.
While this conflict is more complex than simply "one side good, one side bad" it IS undeniably evident that Israel is a European colony in Arab lands and that the Israel government will stop at nothing to eradicate Palestine.
EBF has always had a very obvious negative opinion on fascism, colonialism, and prejudice of seemingly all kinds, so I'm not at all surprised to hear this political take from you, but I thank you for voicing it anyway. Even a simple post like this can do a lot of good in helping get more people's eyes on the violence and possibly research into it more.
I've been enjoying your art since I was less than ten years old, and over fifteen years later, I'm still enjoying it. As you said in a reply in this post, all art is political, and yours hasn't been any different. I'd like to think part of what shaped me into who I am today is the love and fun you have given me over the years. Thank you for everything.
Free Palestine.
If palestinians so much want be free from Jews, why don't they just emigrate to South Palestine (Jordan state)? This is a mandate Palestine too//////
Hamas and other Iran's terroristic proxies should be ended.
Israel has committed 100x more terrorism than Hamas has - perhaps you should educate yourself on what's actually happening.
Aren't you Ben Shapiro?
I hate that guy?